Jasmine Hope

Once Were Wounds

A very soft and pure perspective of femininity, something I have not yet embraced so it was lovely to read words that created an image in my mind of what that looks and feels like. A modest confidence in sensuality and the true emotional impact of the intimate connections we create with others. I found it really beautiful but really painful at the same time. I cried a couple of times and had to put the book down just to process for a bit sometimes. I felt such heartbreak, but that brokenness was presented in such an elegant way. It was an emotional journey that brought back times of my own life and helped me process them in a different light, so thank you and well done.

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Finn Stewart

Once Were Wounds

Once Were Wounds took me on a captivating journey, I found myself lost from the moment I started reading. The collection flows beautifully throughout, leaving me vulnerable to an exchange of raw and powerful feminine energy. 

Stephanie is an absolutely wonderful writer; her words are soft yet extremely powerful. Taking readers on a journey of self-expression, triggering a deep and intimate connection with themselves, releasing suppressed energy and emotions.

“Stephanie’s words were so beautifully yet simplistically written. The poetry has such depth that has you reflecting on your own experiences - whether that be romantic relationships, friendships and more. She’s an absolute beautiful soul and her book reflects that perfectly!”

Taylor Beale on Once Were Wounds


Karyn Fisher

Once Were Wounds

Stephanie, thank you for sharing your talent in this book. I have been drawn to poetry for many years. I enjoy the way the words paint a picture in my mind and tell a story. As a mural artist I use paint to tell my story, I appreciate the talent required to be able to do this.

I found Stephanie’s poetry to be a personal snapshot into her experiences, put in a way that travels through times in her life, to a time of understanding. I picked up the book and didn’t stop reading it until it was finished, which isn’t like me at all. I also read it a second time and found myself doing the same. Stephanie is a very talented writer and I look forward to reading more of her work.

Tanika Faurie

Once Were Wounds

A little book with a big heart.

Once Were Wounds drew me in, I found myself reflected throughout the pages. A tenderness… a beautifully intimate read. I love having this book displayed in my beauty & wellness business, its a gentle reminder of my “once were wounds” turned into wisdom.

Thank you Stephanie for your vulnerability & truth, your book has lead to a meaningful connection too.


Jordan Burnett

Once Were Wounds

I couldn’t put Once Were Wounds down and ended up reading it all in one go! I felt so many powerful emotions as the poetry is so beautiful and SO relatable. Something else I really admired is how the words are presented on the pages. Stephanie has turned each page into art and made it all the more enjoyable to read.

Danielle Watson-Smith

Once Were Wounds

I've never really read much poetry before but I decided to purchase Once Were Wounds after I met Stephanie at a friend's wedding. She had such a genuine, friendly presence about her that I knew her book would be raw and captivating and I was not disappointed. It sent me on an amazing rollercoaster of emotions that left me wanting more. I cannot wait for the next collection that Stephanie publishes.

Milly Ross

Once Were Wounds

The way it’s written, I just feel so present when I’m reading. It slows me down, I really feel like I’m nurturing myself. I love being with the book, and the words just resonate so much that I take my time and really absorb them, and really enjoy them. It’s like a glimpse into somebody else’s soul, and there’s a lot of resonance between souls. I absolutely adore having this book, having it to enjoy anytime that I want to take some time for me, and read something that has a real level of depth to it.


Tegwen Atkinson

Once Were Wounds

Once Were Wounds is a story about love, loss and healing. Stephanie illustrates that journey through colourful imagery and thoughtful metaphor, to create a collection of poems that are both so personal yet eerily familiar. 

From the devastation of heartbreak “An arduous affair of the highly flammable kind. Darling, what a mess you have made of a once tranquil mind”, to rediscovering yourself, “Bindings undone, I become both nothing and everything”, the poems exude vulnerability. 

The variety of different poetry styles throughout the book is both experimental and reflective of the narrative itself; that people are constantly changing, learning, and growing. I look forward to seeing how Stephanie continues to grow and develop in her own work. 

Read this book softly and slowly and then again all at once. Let yourself acknowledge that time may heal all wounds, but some will leave a scar.


Christine Schollaert

Once Were Wounds

Stephanie’s poems, as always, make me smile and give another colour to my day. It’s as if she decorates them with magic powder, and unlike many poems, her ones stay in my senses almost as if they have a taste or smell.

Meagan Rousselot

Once Were Wounds

The way Stephanie describes the simplest pleasures, experiences and emotions in life takes me back to my childhood self. A reminder to take in the small things we often take for granted and to sink deep into our unconscious mind. I highly recommend this poetic fantasy!

“Si la vie n’est pas rose, de qu’elle couleur est elle?“


Rachel Seymour

Once Were Wounds

Honest, exposing, and superb; a book that I wanted to take my time reading so I didn’t miss any details. Some poems I read over and over, relating to the trauma and heartbreak expressed. I can tell a huge amount of thought has gone into every page and chapter, and the physical book itself is stunning. My highlight of the whole book is page 70, as I connected with its simplicity and truth. A read for anyone who has gone through heartbreak, romantic or platonic. Once Were Wounds is a beautifully crafted book that takes you on a journey with the writer, I adored the honesty and creativity.

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Leah Stewart

Once Were Wounds

It has been an absolute privilege to read Once Were Wounds. It’s an elegant, beautiful and exceptional collection. Stephanie has a spark for writing that goes beyond comprehension. I thoroughly enjoyed being taken on a journey through her words.

“I don’t know how to put into words my experience of reading Once Were Wounds. It was a journey through sorrow, love and awakening. I could tell the book was the essence of Stephanie, a soul drifting around trying to make sense of her world. To put it simply, I went into it and floated out of it.”

Dianne Creed on Once Were Wounds


Claire Law

Once Were Wounds

Once Were Wounds is a very special book Stephanie. Filled with creative beauty, wisdom and true rawness in many aspects of life that we all travel through at different times, in turn providing thoughtful and well needed healing elements throughout. Stephanie’s talent is a real gift. It was so enjoyable and so indulgent.


Joanne Roberts

Once Were Wounds

Once Were Wounds is a beautifully written and thought-provoking book that resonated with some of my life scars, opened them and offered a balm of shared experiences and a bandage of future hope.

Be prepared to walk alongside the author, navigating various seasons and sensations; as this book is a journey that reveals the unvarnished story of love, loss and ultimately hope.


Valentina Milosevic

Once Were Wounds

All of Stephanie’s words come from the heart. The dedication at the beginning of the book, “To the words, thank you for healing me", is absolutely fantastic. SO POWERFUL. In the poem “Clean” where Stephanie describes stepping out of the bathtub and realising nothing is clean, I have not heard anybody express anything like that the way she did. All the words Stephanie uses are so imaginative and will make you think about the world and life, the present and future.


Kate Roberts

Once Were Wounds

Once Were Wounds was a cathartic read from start to finish. Thank you for the introspection and vulnerability shared through which I found a reflection of my own experiences. The singular thoughts and one-liners in particular are so powerful they stick with you. What a special thing to be read and understood. Thank you.