Are you ready to uncover and explore your own innate creative wisdom?

Are you ready to embrace your own intrinsic creative power, and move deeper into your most radiant and authentic self?

Are you ready to release all of the fears and judgements that are holding you back from achieving your creative goals and dreams? 

I’m reaching out to you…

There’s a calling within you, a strong yearning for creative exploration and authentic expression. I know because I have the calling within me. It’s a primal and powerful longing for profound inward connection, deeper fulfilment and a more meaningful experience of life through the power of creativity.

I know you’re feeling frustrated that no matter how passionate or motivated you are, you just can’t seem to break through the resistance and procrastination that’s standing between you and actually creating.

Even with the strongest of intentions, there’s something within that’s holding you back…

Perhaps you’ve poured hours of love and skill into your creative project, but something is stopping you from sharing and selling your unique creation with others. Instead your project remains hidden away, sitting in your cupboard collecting dust. Your thoughts have now talked you into believing that your creations are unworthy and have no real value. 

Perhaps you absolutely love expressing yourself through movement, and you have big dreams and visions of performing on stage in front of live audiences. Despite your passion and ambition, you can’t seem to find the courage or confidence to move forward with this dream. You’ve been procrastinating on taking action and sharing your talents for so long, you’ve now lost faith in your gifts. 

Or perhaps you’ve always been interested in designing your own line of products, and you’ve spent hours online researching and saving content on how to make them. Even with your keen passion and interest and all of the ideas you’ve got swirling around in your head, you have yet to take any action and actually design or make anything. You have no idea where to begin, and keep telling yourself that you’ll “get around to it one day.”

What if I told you, today is the day?

What if I told you, the time is now?

Hello lovely, I’m Stephanie.

I want you to know that I’ve been exactly where you are now. Before I embarked on my own journey towards embracing my creative goddess and fulfilling my creative visions, I was feeling deeply disconnected and painfully suppressed within myself. 

It was a couple of years before I released Once Were Wounds, and I had a strong vision for creating a poignant and meaningful collection of poetry exploring themes such as femininity, sensuality, loneliness and longing. At the time however, I was prioritising everything in my life except for my creativity. I was prioritising everything except for what my heart was truly calling for… a deeper sense of expression, truth, authenticity, and connection. 

Why was I denying myself?

Why was I running away from my own creative potential?

At the time I believed creativity was a luxury I couldn’t afford to give my time or energy to. I believed that creativity just wasn’t important enough to include in my daily schedule. Creativity wasn’t a priority, and I needed to concentrate on my responsibilities. I told myself that when it came to writing my collection, I would “get around to it one day”. 

Sounding familiar?

Beneath all of my “beliefs”, and all of the cushioning and fancy excuses… what I was really hiding from was myself. I was waging an internal battle between my creative dreams and all of my feelings towards perfectionism, vulnerability, worthiness, procrastination, shame and forgiveness, just to name a few. And I realised, it just wasn’t worth it anymore. I was yearning for truth. I was ready to ignite my inner creative power, to truly embrace my worthiness and stand strongly in my own brilliance. 

I went within...

What I’ve learned are these simple truths…

  • You have the ability to channel the power of your intuition, and allow the strength of this inner wisdom to guide you through your creative process as well as your life journey.

  • You can experience immense fulfilment, freedom and deep creative alignment as you learn to release the need for control, certainty and perfection.

  • You can reach a powerful place where you will believe that your creative work is worthy. That you are worthy.

  • You can learn to channel your daily experiences into creative projects, and you can do this in an aligned, impactful and genuine way. 

  • You have the power to fully realise your creative vision. 

Exploring your innate creative energy and embracing your unique creative power, is a deeply rewarding and irrevocably transformative experience. When you are wholeheartedly devoted to exploring your own unique creativity, the pathway is going to bring you unexpected challenges and obstacles. Pursuing your creativity will require you to deeply examine all of the limiting beliefs that might be holding you back from achieving your goals and dreams. It’s never a linear or straightforward journey, and there will always be layers of discomfort to be present with as well as fears to process and heal.

And that’s where I come in…

I’ll be here supporting you to cultivate a gorgeous, flowing trust within yourself and your creative abilities.

I will lovingly guide you as you move through resistance and dissolve your creative fears and blocks.

I’ll be holding you in your vulnerability, as you surrender to your raw and primal creative energy.

And through this process you will learn how to hold yourself powerfully and compassionately, understanding that you can access your intuitive creative magic at any moment.

I’ll act as a consultant through your creative journey, informing you on practical processes and keeping you focussed on your final goal. You’ll learn when to follow your creative magic and immerse yourself in this intuitive practice, and when to move forward and take action to produce physical, tangible results. 

  • We’ll construct a clear schedule to assist you in finishing your creative project, so you can finally release your incredible creations into the world.

  • I’ll be there to hold you accountable to these goals, ensuring your greatest dreams and desires are actualised.

  • We can design nourishing and supportive creative rituals and practices that promote inspiration and reflection, create safety and faith within your creative process and allow bold new ideas to come flooding through. These will all be tailored to your unique creative process.

1:1 Creative Coaching Includes:

  • Pre-Coaching Questionnaire 

    A beautiful and reflective resource for you to contemplate your creative dreams, goals and aspirations. You can use this questionnaire to explore your vision and create more clarity around what you would love to achieve through our coaching journey together. I hope this process fills you with inspiration and excitement.

  • 3 Months of Powerful & Transformative Creative Coaching

    A powerful creative coaching experience is rooted in consistency and momentum, and in taking the time to move gently and deeply into the journey together. Allowing three months for a tailored coaching experience is something I carefully considered, and I designed this timeframe with the intention of supporting you through a curated space of both creative and personal exploration.

  • 6 x 1 Hour Coaching Calls

    Our 6 x 1 hour creative coaching sessions will be held every fortnight on Zoom, throughout our three month journey together. These sessions are energising, uplifting, inspiring and deeply nourishing. Filled with magical and abundant conversations, as well as sacred reflections and celebrations; a 1:1 creative coaching session can be infinitely powerful and moving.

  • Messaging & Email Support

    Voxer messaging and email support will be available throughout the entirety of our coaching journey together. In between our coaching sessions I’ll be here to provide you with meaningful support, guidance, encouragement and accountability as you navigate the daily experience of your own creative energy. I warmly encourage you to share any questions, concerns, resistance or fears that might be arising for you, as well as any gorgeous celebrations or realisations that you have.

  • Monthly Creative Feedback

    Creative Feedback is your powerful opportunity to receive thoughtful, honest, constructive and purposeful feedback on anything you’ve been creating. I feel passionate about offering you a genuine and fresh perspective on your precious creative work in a safe and inclusive space. Your creations will always be received with love, appreciation and understanding. It’s always such a privilege for me to receive your creative feedback, and it’s also a wonderful opportunity for you to stretch your courage muscle and challenge any fears you might have of being fully seen in your authentic expression.

  • The Conscious Creative Guidebook

    A gorgeous and unique resource I’ve created especially for my coaching clients. The Conscious Creative is a downloadable guidebook filled with delicious information, practises, rituals, inspiration and suggestions for wholehearted, creative living.

  • Your Investment:

    • $1,500.00 NZD upfront in full, or $550.00 NZD per month.

    • Customised Payment Plans are also available.

You are a powerful and unique being, overflowing with an abundance of creative energy.

It’s your time to become a more fulfilled and authentic expression of yourself. Your true self. You’ve followed the breadcrumbs and they’ve brought you here for a reason… it’s no accident. It’s time to reignite your intuitive creative power.

Book your FREE Connection Call for 1:1 Creative Coaching with Stephanie:

Creative Coaching is for you if:

  • You’re ready to uncover and explore your own innate creative wisdom.

  • You feel a strong, intuitive calling for more creativity and authentic expression in your life.

  • You’re longing to experience a deeper sense of personal and creative truth.

  • You’re ready to discover and develop your own unique creative style and flair.

  • You feel that you have creative gifts to bring into the world, but are afraid of fully embracing and sharing them.

  • You have so many creative ideas flowing through you, but you have no idea which one to pursue or where to even begin.

  • You’re struggling to take action and make your creative projects happen. 

  • You’re in the very beginning stages of a creative project, or you have the idea of an incredible creation and you want support in bringing it to life.

  • You’ve had enough of catering to your exhausting perfectionist tendencies and unhealthy procrastination habits when it comes to expressing your creativity. 

  • You’re feeling resistance in your creative process, or you have a creative block that you’re ready to move through and heal.

Creative Coaching is not for you if:

  • You feel confident in your creative abilities, you know that you are worthy, and you believe in the immense value your creative talents provide. 

  • Creativity is already deeply ingrained in your daily routine and life, and you feel no resistance or need to procrastinate.

  • You’re not ready to wholeheartedly devote yourself to pursuing your creativity. 

  • You’re not ready to do the inner development work and prioritise your creativity.

Book your FREE Connection Call for 1:1 Creative Coaching with Stephanie: