Creative Movement | A Way Of Being And Expressing

Thursday 4th April 2024 | Written by Stephanie Osborne

You can also listen to the podcast episode here.

You might have heard me describe The Conscious Creative as a collective movement exploring the landscape of creative nature and creating living.

Initially, I was intending to approach this topic of creative movement from the angle of taking action. Exploring the importance of taking action on your creative ideas and dreams, and choosing to consciously move forward with your creations from a place of aligned and integral direction. While this topic is important, I felt that it might be too narrowly focussed on the creative process.

I wanted to traverse deeper than this. I wanted to understand this energy of creative movement through a holistic perspective, and I could feel that there was something more to be uncovered and widened within this realm.

Now, before I share my own reflections with you I would love to firstly ask, what intuitively comes to your heart or mind when thinking about creative movement? What does creative movement mean or feel like to you? What does this concept evoke for you in thought or sensation?

As I was asking myself this same question, what gently began coming through for me was in fact another question… could we think of creative movement as creative embodiment? Is creative movement, quite simply, an embodiment of our truest expression?

The definition of embodiment is “a tangible or visible form of an idea, quality, or feeling”. Or, “the representation or expression of something in a tangible or visible form”. When considering this in relation to our creative energy, we can think of creative movement as the bringing or birthing of ideas into life. Bringing ideas from their inception, into their fullest, physical expression.

But here is where we submerge ourselves even further into the gorgeous, expansive depths… because, where is the beginning? The inception? The inspiration? Where does this movement and becoming, come from?

It comes from within.

Before we find ourselves in the process of bringing and birthing ideas into life, we must first look at what is being or has been brought to life within us? Within our body, what has been activated or awakened?

Ask yourself… what moves you? Where and when you do feel a simmering, a stirring of your energy? Noticing what actions or activities, what people or places within your life generate energy, excitement, and inspiration.

I have previously shared that as a practice and a lifestyle, creativity is a conscious and responsive energy. A response through activated and intentional expression. Creativity is an accessibility to be moved and to be guided, allowing ourselves to feel into what has been activated and awakened within. Though you must be listening.

We could therefore define creative movement as creation. And creative embodiment as moving with what moves us.

Is the creation of your life a conscious unfolding… a divine dance? Or are you being directed and pushed by something beyond your choosing? Beyond your current awareness?

Our heart expression and the creation of our conscious, wholehearted life is a response and an embodiment of that which makes us feel alive. And even taking a step back from what makes us feel alive, to first just… feeling. Creating an awareness of what has been or is being activated, and what emotions this evokes.

I deeply resonate with an empowering quote from my creative mentor Sophie French, and I would love to share it with you. In her words… “Let Your Body Lead”. I absolutely love this; it feels like a spacious exhale. And I believe that letting your body lead is another gorgeous way of describing creative movement and creative embodiment.

From this place of permission and encouragement to listen to ourselves first, we can begin the transition from sleepwalking through our everyday, to moving with intention and purpose and conscious creation.

When letting our body lead, we have to have an awareness of what our body is actually telling us.

I believe these messages and intuitive whisperings are most accessible through our senses, and by mindfully attuning to the rhythm and sensations with our body. It is from this place of feeling calm and centred within our physical body, that we can gently unveil a direct pathway to presence and poetry. A direct pathway to a creative activation and movement.  

And then, observing what creative embodiment might look like in your everyday? (It’s actually a lot simpler than you might think…)

What is propelling you towards movement, towards creation or to being in creation? Where are the undiscovered gateways within your everyday, for your creative energy to be consciously awakened and revived?

Creative Movement In The Everyday

It might look like bringing fresh flowers into your home space, their colours and scents moving you and inspiring feelings of joyfulness, romance and softness.

It might look like preparing and cooking a delicious meal for yourself or your loved ones. Noticing the embodiment of care, love, and nourishment in this heartfelt expression. Even decorating your table and setting your dining space is also a gorgeous creative embodiment and expression from your heart.

Creative embodiment might even be how you keep or manage your daily schedule. In what ways do you love creating space for clarity, visioning, organisation and intention? What energy are you embodying or honouring in this process, and how is it supporting you in the creation of your conscious and wholehearted lifestyle?

For those of you who are interested in gently reconnecting with your creative expression in the everyday, I have actually designed a beautiful and supportive Twelve Days of Creativity journey as a stepping stone for you. This is a completely complimentary, downloadable resource I created so that you can experience the potency, power and infinite potential of your own creative energy by implementing simple practices into your daily routine.

And the essence of the Twelve Days of Creativity journey is essentially a starting point for what we’ve been exploring today, that creative movement and creative embodiment is actually a way of being.

It’s an opportunity to experience our lives with a deeper level of intimacy and clarity, and a way of living with transparency, intentionality and conviction. Creative embodiment is a form of leadership. Authentic ownership, responsibility and empowerment. A way of holding true authority in our own life, and in the choices we make. Creative embodiment is a beautiful way of being in relationship with ourselves, understanding ourselves and connecting more intimately with our surroundings, sensations and experiences.

Embodying our creative expression is an opening… an evolving space for us to welcome in more meaningful connection and clarity, more playfulness and sensual pleasure, more healing and wholeness, and more presence and truth.

Through creative movement and in creative embodiment we can become the fullest expression of ourselves. And I believe that expression is the highest form of honouring yourself and your purpose here on Earth.

I hope that there is a beautiful collection of richness in thought and reflection, as well as some inspiring creative sustenance for you to take away from this exploration of creative movement. Learning to lead with your body and move with what moves you is a continuous practice of listening and quietening, moving from a place of intention, purpose and conscious creative expression. How delicious does this sound?

With Love,

Stephanie xx

Journey A Little Deeper…

Experience Twelve Days of Creativity

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